The version of Tetrisly you seeing now is just the beginning of our journey on the roadmap. We have a lot of milestones and goals to reach ahead of us. Our backlog is full of new ideas and features that will change the game. We would like to transform the way you design and deliver products every day.
In Progress
Dark Mode in Figma and React
Darkside of Tetrisly. Creating a well-crafted and accessible color palette for greyscale and full-color wheel in Tetrisly
Complete documentation
Creting documentiton for rest of components with clear guidelines, best practices and usage rules
React Documentation
Implement a new section "React Docs" on component page with necessary information for developers
More customization design in Plugin
Implement new variables to change: Spacing and Border Radius
UI Wizard in Plugin
Enhance the plugin with a new feature to change UI aspects in components such as choosing a secondary button style (outline or subtle)
BETA React Components
Successfully integrated approx. 50% of the components from the Tetrisly for Figma offers user-friendly components designed for effortless integration.
Tetrisly Plugin 1.0
The first version of our dedicated plugin with two main features: Export tokens from Figma to React and wizard to change core colors in Figma
Documentation is live!
Clear guidelines on how to use Tetrisly, complete with best practices and usage rules
Tetrisly for Figma
Core of Design System with 50+ unique components (That means we didn’t count each variant and primitive then there are 570+ components), 681 color variables - aliases and globals, 54 number variables - size, spacing and border radius variables based on dimension tokens, 24 typography compositions and 360+ Icons